Californië: OEHHA stelt waarschuwingen en limieten BPA voor
On March 17, the California Office of Environment Health Hazards Assessment (OEHHA) published a notice of emergency action to require warnings about exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) in canned and bottled foods and beverages. The emergency action is authorized by the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, also known as Proposition 65. As an emergency measure, manufacturers will need to have warning messages in place by May 11 of this year. The same day OEHHA also published a proposed rulemaking announcement to set a maximum allowable dose level for BPA. OEHHA wants to limit dermal exposure to BPA to 3 micrograms per day (State Recycling Laws Update, 21 maart 2016).
Klik hier om het voorstel voor de aankondiging van de wetgeving voor de maximum toegestane hoeveelheid BPA te downloaden (52 kB).
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