China herziet belangrijke norm voedselcontactmaterialen
The Chinese government is currently consulting industry on a draft amendment to its food contact material standard GB 9685. The draft amendment attempts to make the standard more compatible with international practices, for example by changing the term “food containers and packaging materials” to “food contact materials and their products”. The standard’s name has been changed to “GB 9685-XXXX National Food Safety Standard: Standard for Uses of Additives in Food Contact Materials and their Products”. The draft standard amendment defines "food contact materials and articles" to include various materials and articles, including food packaging (PackWebasia, 18 mei 2015).
Klik hier voor het oorspronkelijke nieuwsbericht.
Klik hier om de officiële Chinese versie van het voorstel voor GB 9685 te downloaden (ZIP, 0,98 MB).
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de NVC Workshop Wetgeving Voedselcontactmaterialen.
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