ECHA lanceert nieuwe update van de C&L-inventaris
ECHA has released a new update of the Classification & Labelling (C&L) Inventory. The changes implemented improve the information visualised on the summary of the classification and labelling page. The update includes additional CAS numbers (e.g. for differently hydrated forms of the same substance) and a possibility to download and export up to 9999 search results for a substance of interest, among other things.
With this new release, ECHA aims to further enhance the user-friendliness of the database and works towards the goal of making the C&L Inventory a central source of information on harmonised and self-classified substances on the EU market (Nieuwsbericht ECHA, 4 maart 2014).
Klik hier voor het nieuwsbericht.
Klik hier voor de C&L-inventaris.
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