EU Parlement: neem vervanging ZZS-en op in nieuwe afvalwet
Members of European Parliament (MEPs) have voted by a large majority to adopt proposed amendments to the EU waste framework Directive to ensure a ‘progressive substitution’ of SVHCs. In January, the Parliament's Environment Committee approved a set of amendments to the Directives proposed by the Commission as part of its circular economy strategy. A key amendment to the Directive's recital says the circular economy should "take into account explicit provisions in the 7th Environment Action Programme, which calls for the development of non-toxic material cycles so that recycled waste can be used as a major and reliable source of raw material for the Union" (Chemical Watch, 27 maart 2017).
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Klik hier voor de Amendementen van het Europees Parlement aangenomen op 14 maart 2017 op het voorstel voor een richtlijn van het Europees Parlement en de Raad tot wijziging van Richtlijn 2008/98/EG betreffende afvalstoffen.
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