FR: Engelstalig richtsnoer verplicht recyclingteken Triman
In December 2014 the French government legalized the new recycling mark "Triman". The decree states that effective January 1, 2015, all products covered under a French extended producer responsibility (EPR) agreement, including packaging with the exception of household glass containers, would need to display the Triman.
The mark can be placed on the product, the packaging, the instruction leaflet or on the website. This is quite confusing if packaging contains a product that is not part of an ERP agreement. To tackle the problems L’ADEME had already published a guideline in French and recently the English version was published. The guideline contains examples on how to use the symbol.
Klik hier voor de Engelstalige handleiding (2,55 MB).
Klik hier voor de regelgeving (72 kB, in het Frans).
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