CA: In toenemende mate toegang tot kunststofrecycling

17 februari 2015

The Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA) has released its “2014 Recycling Access Report for Plastic Containers and Packaging”, which shows that recycling programs have become a regular part of daily life for the majority of Canadians, and the number of recycling programs that now accept and recycle a wide range of plastic packaging has grown to the largest ever in 10 years.
While access to recycling of plastic beverage containers continues to hold steady at 98% or more, the report found that the biggest gains have been realised for non-bottle rigid containers. For non-container plastic packaging, there have also been steady gains (Nieuwsbericht CPIA, 4 februari 2015).
Klik hier voor het nieuwsbericht (53 kB).
Klik hier voor het rapport (7,18 MB).

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