CPhI farma verpakkinginnovatieprijs 2016
On April 30th, 2015 the Jury of the global CPhI Pharma Award competition gathered to prepare for the 2016-edition of this prestigious event. The CPhI Pharma Awards honour companies who turn inspiration into innovation and celebrate thinkers and creators breaking new ground in a range of key development areas, including packaging.
The winners will be announced at the CPhI show in Madrid – which is co-located with the packaging exhibition Innopack - on October 13th, 2015. After the entry deadline, the jury will individually evaluate and score each entry and define the shortlist of candidates who can then defend their innovation in a seminar at the exhibition floor theatre.
Klik hier voor informatie over de CPhI en de Innopack.
Klik hier voor informatie over de CPhI farma innovatie prijs.
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