Statistieken steunen EU congres bedrijfsopleiden verpakken
Eurostat data have been analysed by NVC for the upcoming 2nd Annual European Conference on the Future of Business Education in Packaging (21 April 2016). Eurostat publishes lifelong learning statistics in the EU, based on data collected through the labour force survey (LFS), supplemented by the adult education survey (AES).
According to Eurostat, lifelong learning encompasses all purposeful learning activity, whether formal, non-formal or informal, undertaken on an ongoing basis with the aim of improving knowledge, skills and competence. The intention or aim to learn is the critical point that distinguishes these activities from non-learning activities, such as sporting activities.
Klik hier voor de Eurostat data.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over het 2e jaarlijkse Europese Conferentie over de Toekomst van het Bedrijfsopleiden in Verpakken (21 april 2016).
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